Book a KIND Campaign Assembly

"I was at the Kind Campaign Assembly at Draper Park. You guys really changed my point of view on everything. Every girl friend I've had, I have lost. This morning when I woke up I was thinking about committing suicide. I came to school today on the verge of tears. I came up and shared my Kind Card. Once I got home I realized that even though some girls can be mean and don't understand what their words can do that it shouldn't be worth dying over. Your assembly today? Yeah, it saved my life."

- posted onto Kind Campaign’s Instagram account by a girl named Rachel after a Kind Campaign Assembly.

There are two different types of Kind Campaign Assemblies:


Kind Campaign Assembly:

The Kind Campaign Assembly is our most popular and widespread program. There have been thousands of Kind Campaign Assemblies facilitated by faculty and community members. Kind Campaign Assemblies take place almost every day of the school year across the world. Due to Kind Campaign's global support and fundraising efforts, all Kind Campaign Assemblies are FREE OF CHARGE. Many schools and individuals make a donation to Kind Campaign in lieu of an assembly fee. We deeply appreciate donations, as they help support our ability to spread free school programming into different communities around the globe.

After Kind Campaign receives your submission, we will be in touch with you to start the booking process. Kind Campaign will provide your school with the documentary film and a detailed Kind Campaign Assembly Guide that gives you a step-by-step agenda, assembly script, and all the interactive activities to ensure that you have a successful event. Please allow a 2-3 week window between your submission and the date you are interested in hosting an assembly. This ensures that the contract is processed in time and that Kind Campaign will have plenty of time to prepare you for your assembly.

Founders Assembly:

The Kind Campaign co-founders and filmmakers, Lauren Paul and Molly Thompson, have traveled across the world since 2009, speaking in hundreds of schools and communities. Lauren and Molly go on two assembly tours a year; one in the Fall and one in the Spring, totaling at about 80 Founders Assemblies a year. 

After Kind Campaign receives your inquiry form, your school will then be entered into the pool of schools that have applied. Lauren and Molly then analyze the locations of all the applicants and put together a tour that allows them to speak in as many schools as possible. Because there are hundreds of applicants for this high-demand program and because Lauren and Molly can only speak in so many schools a year, there is no guarantee that your school will be chosen for the Founders Assembly Tour. Whether your school is selected or not, Kind Campaign will be in touch with you to either start the booking process for your Founders Assembly or let you know about other Kind Campaign program opportunities.

Follow Kind Campaign on social @kindcampaign to learn more details about Kind Campaign Assembly opportunities. If you don't have social media, email and let us know which program you are interested in and we will get right back to you.

Assembly inquiry Form

There have been thousands of life-changing Kind Campaign Assemblies across the world. Hosting an assembly starts an honest conversation about girl-against-girl bullying and provides students, faculty and parents with tools to inspire positive change. Fill out the inquiry form below to bring this award-winning curriculum and film to your local schools and community today! Scroll to the bottom of the page to read more info about the assemblies and our measured impact.

Request Information


  1. 96% of girls surveyed were compelled to be kinder to girls after experiencing a Kind Campaign Assembly.

  2. Two out of every three girls apologizes to someone during or after a Kind Campaign Assembly.

  3. 90% of girls surveyed agreed that they did not want to participate in gossip or drama after experiencing a Kind Campaign Assembly.

  4. 86% of survey respondents felt that Kind Campaign gave them hope for a better rest of the school year.

  5. 90% of girls surveyed realized they were not alone because of the Kind Campaign Assembly.

  6. 86.8% of girls surveyed felt like a better person after participating in a Kind Campaign Assembly.

These statistics reflect data collected in a survey that was administered after Kind Campaign Assemblies from August 2014-May 2015. Approximately 4,000 students participated in this survey. Survey results were analyzed by HK Impact Advisors.

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